Brave Minds

July 14, 2020

Elev8 is an interactive media service company specializing in implementing immersive technologies to solve problems and increase business efficiency. We use modern technology to elevate your company to meet the best industry practices and day to day operations.

Company Mission

The technological capabilities of Elev8 offer a transformative experience in sectors such as healthcare to revolutionize the treatment regimen in mental health therapy and clinical psychology practices. The company aims to deliver technological advancement to other industries such as education, human capital, real estate, finance, retail and many more.

Company Story

The creation of the company was inspired by winning 3rd place in a global contest among developers hosted by Facebook in 2019. Zen, the founder of Elev8, developed the early version of BraveMinds, which is a VR experience that focused on improving mental health state by borrowing principles from psychotherapy. After the nomination, the passion project started to gain traction and received many requests to demo BraveMinds. It was a milestone for Elev8, and it was the moment we realized that we can leverage this platform to reach people who are in need of this service. That marked the beginning of Elev8 and we continued to grow ever since.

Company Vision

The Elev8 team shares one important element, which is the belief in the good use of technology and harvesting that power to extend beyond what the human is capable of. Consider the fact that we are already cyborgs: our phones are an extension of us, providing information on the go, while glasses and hearing aids are common tools used to enhance our fragile human biology. With the power of immersive technologies and AI, the opportunities are endless. Elev8 aims to provide innovative tools to help every individual to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Company Values

The company values intellectual and creative methodologies in solving day to day problems. Elev8xr strives to innovate for people and businesses to reach their full potential through AI technology and real-life simulations.

Company Work Culture

Elev8 is conveniently located in Toronto, Ontario in Canada, with divisional offices in Luxembourg, Austria, and the Middle East. Not only do we get access to major city entertainment and attractions, but we also have access to the brightest minds in talent recruitment. We believe in collaborating globally and that talent acquisition should not be limited to geographical locations. Thus, our teams have the flexibility to work remotely anywhere around the world. We are actively looking for new bright minds to join us! We don't believe in the necessity of academic achievements, as long as you have the passion for what we do and the discipline to make an impact. Please reach out to us and let us hear your story!